Projectile motion

This example combines interaction and animation to show the freefall trajectory of a launched object. Some regular, HTML <button>s are used to start and stop the animation.

import * as React from "react" import { Mafs, useStopwatch, Point, useMovablePoint, Plot, Vector, Polygon } from "mafs" const $default = function ProjectileMotion() { const xSpan = 1.75 const ySpan = 1.75 const initialVelocity = useMovablePoint([0.5, 1.5]) const vectorScale = 4 const g = 9.8 const xVelocity = initialVelocity.x * vectorScale const yVelocity = initialVelocity.y * vectorScale const velocityAngle = Math.atan(yVelocity / xVelocity) const velocityMag = Math.sqrt( xVelocity ** 2 + yVelocity ** 2, ) const timeOfFlight = Math.abs(2 * velocityMag * Math.sin(velocityAngle)) / g function positionAtTime(t: number): [number, number] { return [xVelocity * t, yVelocity * t - 0.5 * g * t ** 2] } const [restingX, restingY] = positionAtTime(timeOfFlight) const { time: t, start, stop, } = useStopwatch({ endTime: timeOfFlight, }) React.useEffect(() => { stop() // Reset the ball's whenever the resting position changes }, [restingX, restingY, stop]) return ( <> <Mafs viewBox={{ x: [1 - xSpan, 1 + xSpan], y: [1 - ySpan, 1 + ySpan], }} > <Polygon points={[ [-100, 0], [100, 0], [100, -100], [-100, -100], ]} color="green" /> <Vector tip={[ xVelocity / vectorScale, yVelocity / vectorScale, ]} /> {yVelocity > 0 && ( <> <Plot.Parametric xy={positionAtTime} t={[0, timeOfFlight]} opacity={0.4} style="dashed" /> <Point x={restingX} y={restingY} opacity={0.5} /> </> )} <Point x={positionAtTime(t)[0]} y={positionAtTime(t)[1]} /> <text x={10} y={30} fontSize={20} className="transform-to-center" fill="white" > t = {t.toFixed(2)}/ {yVelocity > 0 ? timeOfFlight.toFixed(2) : "—"}{" "} seconds </text> {initialVelocity.element} </Mafs> {/* These classnames are part of the Mafs docs website—they won't work for you. */} <div className="p-4 bg-black border-t border-gray-900 space-x-4"> <button className="bg-gray-200 text-black font-bold px-4 py-1 rounded-sm" onClick={start} disabled={yVelocity <= 0} > Start </button> <button className="bg-gray-200 text-black font-bold px-4 py-1 rounded-sm" onClick={stop} > Reset </button> </div> </> ) }